Onpipeline Security

Security of your data is core to our processes and everything we do

Our platform is designed with advanced security measures to safeguard data and ensure that it remains secure at all times.

Onpipeline is dedicated to ensuring that businesses that work with highly sensitive data, such as those operating in the banking, legal and healthcare industries, have the necessary security in place to protect their users. 


Our application has built-in security checkpoints at every stage of development. Our engineering team follows strict coding guidelines to ensure the security of our product. We also validate our deployments with regular ongoing assessments. Our long-term vision for security is always evolving, and we are constantly adding new features to our product while maintaining a vigilant security mindset.

Data Encryption

We support the latest protocols to encrypt data in transit and at rest. This is one reason that we drop support for older browsers. In this context TLS is the new industry standard based on Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and we use TLS 1.2. We obtained a A+ Overall Rating (which is the maximum).

CRM Data Access

All data is stored into your own account so that you have full control of it and we don’t share your data with anybody else. Our team do not have access to login to your account. On rare occasions, it may be that we can better assist in investigating a problem you are having if we can access some part of your data. We would always ask your permission before taking this action and the process requires authorization internally.

Backup and Availability

Focus strives to maintain an uptime of 99.9%, and we use several services to monitor uptime and site availability. In case of downtime or emergency, our team receives real-time notifications. Our systems automatically replicate your data across multiple locations in real-time to maximize availability. Data is also constantly backed up to ensure we can restore access to your data. Our monitoring alerts us to any trouble and we have staff to quickly resolve unexpected incidents.

Data Retention

We have an active data retention policy in accordance with applicable laws. If clients decide to leave us, all their CRM data will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

Account Lockdown

To protect your account from people trying to log in, users that enter a wrong password too many times will be locked. This is something we manage on our systems and there is nothing you have to do.

2-Factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA can keep bad guys out, even if they have your password. With 2FA we add and extra level of protection. Each time you login with your id and password we will generate a unique (one-time) verification code that you will receive in your email inbox. You may disable this feature from your account settings (not recommended).

IP Restriction

You can define specific IP addresses which will be able to access your account. This is useful if want to restrict account access to users from a specific location (e.g. your office, a VPN, etc.). Any user attempting to log in with an IP address that does not match an address on your list will receive an error message and will not have the ability to proceed.

Session Timeout

Customers can establish a policy for the duration of user inactivity, adding an extra layer of protection for sensitive company data, especially for those working on shared devices, as well as for companies that need to meet compliance requirements. 

Data Center

Onpipeline data is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a global leader in Infrastructure as a Service. Amazon take physical and network security seriously. Physical access is strictly controlled both at the perimeter and at building ingress points by professional security staff, video surveillance, intrusion detection systems, and other electronic means  https://aws.amazon.com/security/

Onpipeline™ is a Sales CRM Platform designed to manage customers and sales from anywhere. 

Should you have any questions about features, pricing or anything else, please contact us

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