
e-Signature added to Quotes

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Exciting News: Streamlining Order Processes with Digital Signatures! We're thrilled to introduce a seamless solution to expedite and simplify the order acquisition process.

Now, you can effortlessly send quotes for digital signatures, all within the convenience of our inclusive plans.

Say goodbye to complicated forms and external applications – it’s all seamlessly integrated into our plans. Try it today and witness the efficiency firsthand!

Here’s how it works: To create an envelope, just generate the quote. Once it’s prepared (and approved by the manager, if needed in your setup), click on the envelope and opt for e-signature.

The beauty of this process lies in its simplicity. The message, complete with an optional note, will be sent to the signatory via email. Upon receiving the signature request, the customer can conveniently open a unique link to apply their digital signature hassle-free.

Not only does the customer get a copy of the signed document via email, but our sales representatives are also promptly notified via email once the signature process is successfully completed.

Revolutionize your order acquisition experience with our user-friendly digital signature solution.

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