Onpipeline Brand

Trademark Usage Guidelines

We permit customers, third party developers, partners and the media to use our names, trademarks, logos and screenshots. The name Onpipeline should accompanied by (TM) at least once on the same page. You may download our logos for use on your website, apps or media.

Please don’t change the colors of our logo; overlap our logo with photos; associate our mark with any vulgar, obscene or unlawful material; use our logo in advertising material; translate our mark into other languages.

Follow these requirements so our brand always looks its best.

  • Our default logo is black and green but you can also use the white version on dark backgrounds so it’s easy to see.
  • To make sure our logo is legible, maintain its integrity and scale.
  • We love our logo, so please do not modify or distort it.
  • You can use only the icon (i.e. in Apps) but always followed by the name “Onpipeline”.
  • Ensure that the brand name is written as Onpipeline, with only the first letter uppercase and no spaces. Avoid any formats like OnPipeline or OnPipeLine.


Black: #202020 (RGB 32-32-32)
Green: #00A651 (RGB 0-166-80)

Onpipeline™ is a Sales CRM Platform designed to manage customers and sales from anywhere. 

Should you have any questions about features, pricing or anything else, please contact us

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Should you have any questions or comments, please contact us